XMeter Cloud Professional Edition Release Highlights Preview |XMeter Newsletter 202211

The XMeter team continues to focus on the development of XMeter Cloud Professional Edition in November. XMeter Cloud Professional Edition will go live next month, and it will be able to provide more robust support for users who need to test MQTT on a large scale. please stay tuned.
Simulate more concurrent connections and higher message throughput
Xmeter Cloud Basic Edition aims to help users quickly experience the performance testing service for MQTT so that both “Concurrent connection” and “Message throughput” are set to 1,000.
The Professional Edition provides users with an authentic continuous performance test environment for MQTT with significant increases in the number of concurrent connections and the message throughput. With a variety of classic test scenarios for MQTT built into XMeter Cloud, you are able to quickly run load testing like stress tests and stability tests.
Support VPC testing
The Professional Edition supports testing using a private network based on a VPC peering connection. After setting up the VPC connection in XMeter Cloud, you can use intranet addresses through the peering connection on testing, reducing network latency and lowering bandwidth costs.
The support for VPC testing is based on HUAWEI Cloud. If the MQTT services are on other platforms, please contact us for support.
Flexible billing
The price of the Professional Edition is based on test duration and test resources to accommodate different performance tests. We will introduce prepaid plans based on resources, offering different resource packs to meet different test needs.