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What Is V2X and The Future of Vehicle to Everything Connectivity

Jun 2, 2023
What Is V2X and The Future of Vehicle to Everything Connectivity

What Is V2X (Vehicle to Everything)?

V2X (vehicle-to-everything) is a communication technology that enables vehicles to exchange data with various elements in their environment, including other vehicles (V2V), pedestrians (V2P), infrastructure (V2I), and networks (V2N). By sharing information, V2X aims to improve traffic efficiency, enhance safety, reduce pollution, and enable advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving.

This is part of a series of articles about Internet of Vehicles.

Types of V2X Communication

V2X encompasses the following types of communication.


Vehicle-to-vehicle communication refers to the exchange of data between vehicles. This technology allows vehicles to share information such as speed, position, and direction, enabling them to detect potential collisions, coordinate movements, and maintain safe distances from one another.

By establishing real-time connections between vehicles, V2V enhances situational awareness and helps to prevent accidents, improve traffic flow, and optimize fuel consumption. V2V is an essential component of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving, as it enables vehicles to make informed decisions and respond proactively to road conditions.


Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication enables vehicles to interact with various infrastructure elements, such as traffic signals, road signs, and sensors embedded in the roadways. This connectivity allows vehicles to receive important information, like traffic light status, speed limits, road conditions, and the presence of road hazards or construction zones.

By integrating this data, V2I can help reduce congestion, optimize traffic signal timings, and enhance overall transportation efficiency. Additionally, V2I communication can provide valuable input for ADAS and autonomous vehicles, contributing to safer and more effective navigation.


Vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communication focuses on the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians, cyclists, or other vulnerable road users. This technology typically relies on smartphones, wearables, or other devices carried by pedestrians to transmit their location and movement data. Vehicles equipped with V2P can then use this information to identify and avoid potential collisions, enhancing safety for all road users.

For example, a V2P-enabled vehicle may receive an alert if a pedestrian is about to cross the street, allowing the driver or autonomous system to slow down or stop accordingly.


Vehicle-to-network communication connects vehicles with broader communication networks, such as cellular or Wi-Fi networks. This connectivity allows vehicles to access real-time traffic information, weather updates, and route suggestions, facilitating more efficient and safer journeys.

V2N can also enable remote diagnostics and over-the-air updates, allowing manufacturers to monitor vehicle health and deliver software improvements. Moreover, V2N communication supports the development of smart cities and connected transportation ecosystems by integrating vehicle data with other sources, such as public transit systems and city infrastructure.

V2X Technology: Benefits and Challenges

V2X technology offers numerous benefits and also faces certain challenges as it continues to be developed and implemented. Here's a look at some of the most notable advantages and obstacles associated with V2X.


  • Improved road safety: V2X communication can help prevent accidents by providing real-time information about other vehicles, pedestrians, and road conditions. This enables drivers to make better-informed decisions and can also enhance the capabilities of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).
  • Traffic efficiency: By exchanging information with traffic infrastructure and other vehicles, V2X can optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve overall transportation efficiency. This can result in shorter travel times, decreased fuel consumption, and reduced emissions.
  • Enhanced situational awareness: V2X technology can provide drivers with greater situational awareness, alerting them to potential hazards that may be difficult to see, such as vehicles in blind spots, pedestrians in low-visibility situations, or upcoming traffic jams.
  • Support for autonomous vehicles: V2X communication is a critical component of autonomous vehicle technology, enabling self-driving cars to navigate complex traffic situations and interact safely with other road users.
  • Facilitating smart cities: By integrating vehicles with city infrastructure and networks, V2X can play a significant role in developing smart cities, enabling better management of traffic, public transportation, and urban planning.


  • Standardization: One of the main challenges of V2X is the lack of unified standards for communication protocols and frequencies. There are ongoing debates over which technologies (e.g., DSRC, C-V2X) should be used for V2X, and reaching a consensus is essential for widespread adoption and interoperability.
  • Security and privacy: Ensuring the security and privacy of V2X communication is crucial, as hackers could potentially exploit vulnerabilities to cause accidents or compromise sensitive data. Robust encryption and authentication mechanisms must be implemented to protect V2X systems from cyberattacks.
  • Infrastructure investment: Implementing V2X technology on a large scale requires significant investment in infrastructure, such as updating traffic signals, deploying roadside units, and integrating sensor systems. This can be a barrier to adoption, particularly for cash-strapped municipalities and transportation agencies.
  • Regulatory and legal issues: As V2X technology becomes more prevalent, it raises various regulatory and legal questions, such as liability in the event of an accident, data ownership, and the potential impact on insurance. Policymakers will need to address these issues to ensure a smooth transition to a V2X-enabled transportation system.

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The Future of V2X with MQTT

V2X technologies are extending IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity to the road by creating a connected ecosystem of vehicles, infrastructure, pedestrians, and networks, transforming the way we travel. This interconnected system relies on the exchange of data in real-time to improve traffic efficiency, enhance safety, and enable advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving.

As vehicles become more sophisticated and more roadside infrastructure equipment is deployed, the need for seamless communication and data transfer between cloud, vehicle and roadside infrastructure becomes increasingly critical. Consequently, the challenge of transferring large volumes of real-time data must be addressed to unlock the full potential of V2X and autonomous vehicles.

To facilitate the high-speed and reliable data transfer required for V2X, advanced communication protocols and network technologies are essential. The MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol is a key enabler that can help overcome this challenge.

MQTT is a lightweight, open-source, and publish-subscribe messaging protocol designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks. It is particularly well-suited for IoT applications, including connected vehicles, due to its efficient and reliable communication capabilities.

Related content: Read our guide to fleet management (use case).

MQTT has several features that make it an attractive choice for connected cars and connected roadside devices:

  • Persistent connections: MQTT establishes a persistent connection between the client (e.g., vehicle) and the server (e.g., cloud service). This connection ensures a continuous flow of data, allowing for real-time communication and minimizing the latency associated with reestablishing connections.
  • Fan-out communications: The publish-subscribe model of MQTT allows for efficient fan-out communications. A single message published by the vehicle can be simultaneously delivered to multiple subscribers, such as other vehicles, infrastructure, or cloud services. This feature enables the rapid dissemination of critical information across the connected ecosystem.
  • Quality of Service (QoS) levels: MQTT supports three different QoS levels (QoS 0, QoS 1, and QoS 2), allowing users to choose the appropriate balance between message delivery reliability and network overhead. This flexibility is particularly useful for connected cars, where some data, such as safety alerts, may require higher reliability, while other data, like entertainment content, may tolerate occasional loss.
  • Processing and analysis: MQTT's lightweight design enables efficient processing and analysis of data both on-board the vehicle and at the server-side. By reducing the computational overhead, MQTT allows for faster decision-making and more advanced analytics, supporting the development of ADAS and autonomous driving capabilities.
  • Message compression: MQTT can compress messages to minimize bandwidth usage, making it suitable for connected vehicles operating in areas with limited network coverage or congested networks. This feature ensures that vital information can be exchanged between vehicles and their surroundings, even in challenging conditions.

Due to these, MQTT has gradually become the dominant Vehicle-to-Cloud and Road-to-Cloud interaction protocol in more and more large-scale V2X projects.

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How the EMQX MQTT Cloud Platform Powers V2X Connectivity

The V2X system leverages multi-source sensing technology to gather real-time road traffic and environmental data. This rich data fuels the interaction and coordination between vehicles, roads, and clouds through V2X communication technology.

Serving as the data center and core of the entire V2X system, the V2X Cloud platform powered by EMQX integrates and analyzes data from onboard and roadside devices. EMQX provides a comprehensive data infrastructure, enabling customers to swiftly construct a V2X cloud platform and ensuring seamless data collection, transmission, and access.

The EMQX V2X solution

The EMQX V2X solution, rooted in the MQTT message collection and transmission framework, addresses the challenges of V2X data collection, aggregation, transmission, computation, storage, and management. The solution enables:

  • High-performance, high-reliability real-time data collection, processing, and integration, thanks to its cloud-native distributed IoT access platform based on the MQTT protocol standard.
  • Multi-protocol device access capability, supporting MQTT 3.1/3.1.1/5.0, LwM2M, CoAP, MQTT-SN, or TCP/UDP private protocols.
  • Support for millions of concurrent connections, millions of data throughput, and millisecond-level real-time message routing, enabled by a highly available, distributed cluster architecture.
  • A powerful rule engine for data preprocessing and normalization, allowing for real-time data encoding/decoding, filtering, aggregation, and template normalization.
  • Flexible data integration offers unparalleled flexibility in architecture design with over 40 out-of-the-box data bridges.
  • Multiple access authentication methods to ensure system security, including TLS/SSL two-way authentication and authentication docking with third-party C-V2X CA certification platforms.
  • Flexible message distribution and control, using MQTT-based topic-based publish/subscribe mode for message transmission.
  • A rich set of APIs for upper-level application platform integration, enabling high-concurrency V2X message forwarding, data monitoring, and real-time device status tracking.

Learn more about the EMQX V2X solution.

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