The Most Trusted MQTT Platform for loV and Connected Cars →


Secure Access for Massive Vehicle-to-Machine System

The next-generation intelligent Connected Vehicle system includes new Connected Vehicle services such as reporting bus data, remote vehicle control, configuration distribution to the vehicle, file and message pushing, and operation support, generating a massive amount of message topics that require secure and stable access and transmission for message subscription and publication.

Ensure the real-time and reliability of messages in the complex network environment

In some scenarios, such as remote configuration distribution (remote vehicle control), the network environment is complex and requires high reliability and real-time message delivery.

Large concurrent and highly available message communication

Traditional car manufacturers lack experience in the design, development, and maintenance of million-level large concurrent communication systems. In addition, message communication systems built independently face great challenges in terms of system stability and high availability under large concurrent throughput scenarios.

Rapid Integration of Business Systems

The vehicle terminal and the business platform of automakers are often operated by independent teams. The key to on-time project delivery is to achieve decoupling between the vehicle terminal and the cloud business platform and to efficiently complete business integration.


The EMQ-based Smart Telematics system uses MQTT protocol to access data. Through load balancing and EMQ distributed cluster deployment, it can enable 10 million levels of vehicle connectivity and data communication capability, and support TLS/DTLS security protocol to guarantee system reliability and stability.

The powerful message rule engine provides one-stop realization of massive message bridging to Kafka persistence, offline message caching, and other capabilities. In addition it provides rich micro-service APIs for the upper layer TPS and other business platforms to call.

EMQX provides multiple security mechanisms such as heartbeat monitoring, last will and testament messages, and QoS levels, and realizes real-time, secure, and reliable Connected Vehicle message communication in complex network environments through offline message storage. EMQX also supports the MQTT over QUIC protocol, further providing high-reliability data transmission in weak network environments.

The EMQ Connected Vehicle solution can achieve loose coupling between the new generation of intelligent Connected Vehicle systems and in-vehicle systems. The rich data interfaces and data integration capabilities provided by EMQX help the development teams of automakers to focus more on upper-layer application development without having to pay too much attention to vehicle data connections. The cloud-native EMQX ECP provides a multi-cluster lifecycle management function that can automatically deploy and flexibly scale multi-cluster environments for different business departments of automakers' Connected Vehicle services, achieving independent development and operation between different services.



  • EMQ provides an efficient and stable underlying framework for the Telematics platform to meet the high availability, high concurrency, and low latency business demands of Telematics systems. This greatly improves the development efficiency and reduces the development and maintenance costs for the Telematics teams.
  • Through one-stop integrated EMQ capability, car manufacturers can efficiently realize message communication and data processing for a series of Telematics applications from the car-end collection, message delivery, message reception and processing, data storage, etc. It guarantees secure access and reliable two-way transmission of messages for massive car systems. Meanwhile, the distributed cluster architecture realizes dynamic horizontal expansion of access capacity and the layered architecture design provides good scalability.
  • The multi-cluster automatic deployment and unified management capabilities provided by EMQX ECP provide efficient operation and maintenance management service support for the development, testing, and production environments of large Connected Vehicle development teams, greatly improving development and operation and maintenance efficiency.