EMQX Performance Tuning: Max Connections and File Descriptors
Nov 10, 2023EMQX Team
EMQX Performance Tuning: Max Connections and File Descriptors

While testing the performance of EMQX, if the number of client connections reaches a large number, you may find that EMQX cannot accept more connections. In this article, we will introduce how to modify kernel parameters to increase the number of file descriptors that EMQX can use on Linux.

A Beginner's Guide to MQTT Performance Testing
Nov 6, 2023EMQX Team
A Beginner's Guide to MQTT Performance Testing

In real business scenarios, many factors can affect the performance of MQTT messaging, such as hardware resources, OS parameters, and the QoS level used in communication. Therefore, it is more important for EMQ to help users master the performance testing methodology of MQTT Broker than to release performance data.

Smart Ship: Sailing into a New Era with MQTT and EMQX
Oct 19, 2023Ernest Russell
Smart Ship: Sailing into a New Era with MQTT and EMQX

A smart ship, also known as an intelligent ship or a connected ship, is a vessel that incorporates various digital, automation, and communication technologies to integrate its operations, safety, efficiency, and environmental performance.

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