EMQX Dedicated New Feature: Event History is available for private beta test. →
Release Notes — Kuiper 0.4.1
Jun 2, 2020eKuiper Team
Release Notes — Kuiper 0.4.1

Kuiper 0.4.1 supports modifying EdgeX MQTT message bus configurations via Docker environment variables, supports plugin multi-instances and http_pull source.

Release Notes — Kuiper 0.4.0
May 8, 2020eKuiper Team
Release Notes — Kuiper 0.4.0

Kuiper 0.4.0 now has the capability of supporting more complex plugin; Support template feature for all sinks, so users can customize complex output data.

Retained message and message expiration interval of EMQX MQTT 5.0 broker
Apr 10, 2020EMQX Team
Retained message and message expiration interval of EMQX MQTT 5.0 broker

The message retention function of [EMQX MQTT Broker](https://emqx.io) is implemented by the `emqx_retainer` plugin, which is enabled by default. By modifying the configuration of the` emqx_retainer` plugin, you can adjust the EMQX Broker's retention message Location, restrict the number of retained messages and maximum payload length, and adjust the expiration time of retained messages.

Release Notes — Kuiper 0.3.0
Apr 8, 2020eKuiper Team
Release Notes — Kuiper 0.3.0

The Kuiper & EdgeX integration work is almost completed, Kuiper will be integrated with EdgeX nightly Docker composer files soon. Kuiper 0.3.1will be released with EdgeX officially.

Release Notes — Kuiper v0.2.1
Mar 24, 2020eKuiper Team
Release Notes — Kuiper v0.2.1

Integration with EdgeX, support for Schemaless flow definition, and FVT test case enhancement are added in this version

MQTTX v1.3.0 was officially released - Cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop test client
Mar 19, 2020MQTTX Team
MQTTX v1.3.0 was officially released - Cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop test client

[MQTT X](https://mqttx.app) is a cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop test client provided by the world's leading open source IoT middleware provider [EMQ](https://emqx.io) , which supports macOS, Linux, Windows. The user interface of **MQTT X** simplifies the operation logic of the page with the pattern of chatting software. Users can quickly create multiple simultaneous-online MQTT clients to test the connection/publish/subscribe functions of MQTT/TCP, MQTT/TLS and other MQTT protocol features.

Release Notes — Kuiper 0.2.0
Feb 28, 2020eKuiper Team
Release Notes — Kuiper 0.2.0

EMQX Kuiper is an edge lightweight IoT data analytics / streaming software implemented by Golang, and it can be run at all kinds of resource constrained edge devices.

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